Progress review in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Alexandros Emboras and Laura Bégon-Lours published a progress review discussing Bio-inspired electronics leveraging complex oxide dynamics. The paper was published in the Special Issue on Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications 2024: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.35848/1347-4065/ad8169
IEEE Swiss CAS/ED // 75th CAS Anniversary Workshop // 29.11.24 Irchel Campus UZH
The Swiss chapter of the IEEE Circuits and Systems and Electron Devices Societies (CAS/ED) is organizing a special anniversary workshop. The program will highlight research in circuits, systems and devices by researchers from industry and academia. Frank K. Gürkaynak will be introducing SwissChips. https://sites.google.com/view/2024-ieee-swiss-cas-ed-75th/program